Friday, December 30, 2011

Learn SSAS


This article describes the topics to be used when learning SQL Server Analysis Services. It focuses mainly on SSAS training / SSAS interview.


Below is a list of roughly drafted high level areas of SSAS in no particular order, which can be considered as a descent coverage, whether it's considered for SSAS training / SSAS interview. Keep in view that though the below coverage covers a major ground, it's not exhaustive and it can be used as a reference check to make sure you cover enough in your trainings / to make sure you have covered major fundamental areas.

• Types of Dimensions
• Types of Measures
• Types of relationships between dimensions and measuregroups: None (IgnoreUnrelatedDimensions), Fact, Regular, Reference, Many to Many, Data Mining
• Star Vs Snowflake schema and Dimensional modelling
• Data storage modes - MOLAP, ROLAP, HOLAP
• MDX Query syntax
• Functions used commonly in MDX like Filter, Descendants, Basc and others
• Difference between EXISTS AND EXISTING, NON EMPTY keyword and function, NON_EMPTY_BEHAVIOR, Parallel Period, AUTOEXISTS
• Difference between static and dynamic set
• Difference between natural and unnatural hierarchy, attribute relationships
• Difference between rigid and flexible relationships
• Difference between attribute hierarchy and user hierarchy
• Dimension, Hierarchy, Level, and Members
• Difference between database dimension and cube dimension
• Importance of CALCULATE keyword in MDX script, data pass and limiting cube space
• Effect of materialize
• Partition processing and Aggregation Usage Wizard
• Perspectives, Translations, Linked Object Wizard
• Handling late arriving dimensions / early arriving facts
• Proactive caching, Lazy aggregations
• Partition processing options
• Role playing Dimensions, Junk Dimensions, Conformed Dimensions, SCD and other types of dimensions
• Parent Child Hierarchy, Naming Template property, MemberWithLeafLevelData property
• Cube performance, MDX performance
• How to pass parameter in MDX
• SSAS 2005 vs. SSAS 2008
• Dimension security vs. Cell security
• SCOPE statement, THIS keyword, SUBCUBE
• CASE (CASE, WHEN, THEN, ELSE, END) statement, IF THEN END IF, IS keyword, HAVING clause
• RECURSION and FREEZE statement
• Common types of errors encountered while processing a dimension / measure groups / cube
• Logging and monitoring MDX scripts and cube performance

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